Protecting Good Jobs
Action Network
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NROC, as an organizing arm of LIUNA, works to empower workers to join unions and keep good union jobs from being lost.
In the United States, labor unions have been the only voice to protect the interest and welfare of American workers.
Thanks to unions of workers have won union contracts that include: better wages, health care insurance, and pensions.
Even more important than economic gains, unions have provided workers with: dignity on the job site and protection from firings without cause. Construction workers have benefited from: Davis Bacon Prevailing wages, Workers’ Comp benefits for workers injured on the job, and better enforcement of safety rules.
Our society as a whole has benefitted from the efforts of unions including: end of child labor, standard 8-hour work day, 5-day work week, minimum wage and unemployment insurance for workers who lose their jobs. All of these gains were made possible by workers coming together and demanding change. Not one worker and not one union made these changes happen. It is only because of the strength of many workers coming together through collective action and through collective bargaining that change was possible.
However, good union jobs are under attack nationwide as corporate interests push anti-worker efforts like so-called right to work and try to rollback safety standards and prevailing wage laws.